The IDV is the umbrella organisation for German subject associations worldwide. German is taught across the world and has a strong network of cooperation. The AGTV Inc. is an associate member.
The German Studies Association of Australia Inc. is a multi-disciplinary association for teachers of German language, culture and literature. It was founded in 2000, and incorporated in 2002, in order to promote teaching and research in German Studies at the tertiary level.
The Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) aims to inform, educate and entertain Australians, especially of non-English speaking backgrounds. Get the latest Australian news and information in German and in 73 other languages.
The Goethe-Institut is a not for profit, independent cultural organisation with a global reach. Since 1972, it has been the cultural liaison between Germany and Australia with the aim to promote the study of the German language abroad, and to encourage and facilitate international cultural exchange.
PASCH-net bietet kostenlose Videos, Texte, Audios und Lernmaterialen zu aktuellen Themen. Die PASCH-Initiative vernetzt weltweit mehr als 2.000 Schulen in 120 Ländern im Jahre 2020, auch in Australien. Die Ziele sind Begeisterung für Deutschland wecken, junge Menschen zum Deutschlernen motivieren und ein weltweites Netzwerk von Schulen schaffen. PASCH steht für „Schulen: Partner der Zukunft“.
Kultur und Sprache is a program of the Austrian Government to promote and support the teaching of German as a second language and understanding of Austrian culture and lifestyle. Kultur und Sprache have sent speakers to Australia to present at conferences since 2000.
Exchanges and Scholarships
Please see FAQ for information about exchanges and scholarships for students and teachers.
Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland have embassies in Australia.
Australian Government information about entering and leaving Australia, visas and immigration to Australia.
German-speakers have played a significant role since Europeans first arrived in Australia. This website explores the contribution and presence of German-speakers in the Australian community. (English and German)
Information and links about the migration of German-speaking people in Australia over time, with a focus on Victoria.