The ACT has a network of teachers of German in Canberra and they are connected to Das Zentrum Australian-German Institute Inc.

Teachers of German in NSW are supported through the Modern Language Teachers Association.
Northern Territory
Teachers of German in the NT are supported by the Goethe-Institut, who facilitate the NT’s representation at NATG meetings.
Services for teachers and students of German are organised by the Committee for the German Branch of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Queensland.
The Committee of the South Australian German Teachers Association of German Teachers organise events for teachers and students. SAGTA includes a subscription to SZENE in its membership.
The German Teachers’ Network Tasmania supports the teaching and learning of the German language.
The Committee of the Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. organises and supports events for teachers and students. The AGTV produces SZENE, a national journal for teachers of German, and supports the management of the website AusDaF in consultation with representatives of the NATG. The AGTV is also an associate member of Der Internationale Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrverband e.V. (IDV).
The Committee of Teachers Association German Western Australia organises events for teachers and students. Membership of TAGWA is through the Modern Language Teachers Association Western Australia.
National Support from the Goethe-Institut
The Goethe-Institut has offices in Melbourne and Sydney and supports meetings of the NATG and individual associations and networks across Australia.
The AFMLTA is the peak body in for modern language associations in states and territories. Each modern language association is the peak body for single language associations in the respective state or territory.